The world is failing children with HIV. Progress on preventing vertical transmission has stalled and, in some countries, regressed significantly. Early infant diagnosis and treatment enrollment have flatlined at dismally low levels – yet the needs of those aged 0-14 are being ignored. Access to HIV treatment and retention to care for paediatrics remain below target. It is estimated that 1.8 million children are living with HIV, of whom almost 90% live in sub-Saharan Africa. Only an estimated 54% of these children have access to HIV treatment and over 300 children still die from preventable AIDS related causes every day. Inappropriate, suboptimal treatment options have contributed to low treatment coverage. The outrageously poor health outcomes of children with HIV show us how far from reality the call for Universal Health Coverage is. How can we turn this around? This session draws on lived experiences that highlight the central importance of community-led solutions to address the urgent priorities for children living with HIV, from prevention, testing, treatment and care including addressing support needs for parents and caregivers.
HIV Preventions Team manager, Charlene Donald will be a panelist. The session will start at 15:00 CAT.
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