Staffan Hildebrand, a filmmaker based in the Netherlands, is aiming to produce a film using over 800 hours of documentary footage collected from his HIV activism over a period of 32 years.

The full-length documentary will aim to shed light on issues surrounding HIV and AIDS, thereby raising awareness and attempting to re-establish commitment and conversation around HIV/AIDS. Hildebrand states that he and South African activist Mary-Jane Matsolo, “will travel to different parts of the world to explore the situation of today, historical lessons of the past, and examine future threats and the political factors that govern the resources needed to fight on. This is a battle where the response to this disease in recent years has lost ground. In order to influence politicians and other leaders, we need a new, third wave of activism to put HIV and AIDS back onto the global agenda.”

Hildebrand and his team are currently financing the full-length documentary through Kickstarter – an online crowdfunding site. If you are interested in donating, you can find the Kickstarter page here.

See what’s happening on their Facebook page and Twitter profile.