Our work is made possible by the generosity of many friends, well wishers and donors across the globe.
As the saying goes: "it takes a village to raise a child". The same way it takes many hands across the world to alleviate poverty, address scourges and provide care to the needy across the globe.
South Africa is one of the many countries around the world where inequality and the burden of diseases such HIV/AIDS, TB continue to affect many communities. At AIDS Foundation of South Africa we appreciate any kind of assistance and/or donation that help use respond to these issues.
Make a donation today and stay assured that your gesture has made a huge difference in someone's life.
You can donate by making a direct deposit in our bank account of which details are provided below or you can go to our secure charity service pages provided here.
AIDS Foundation of South Africa - Banking Details
Bank Name: Nedbank
Account Holder: AIDS Foundation of South Africa
Account Number: 901 464 7060
Branch Code: 198765
Account Type: Savings