This is a capacity building programme that focuses on providing technical capacity to
community-based organisations (CBO’s). Training provided includes capacity
assessments of CBO’s financial management, programme management and overall
regularly compliance.
The Partnership with CBO's aims to ensure that health programmes are comprehensive and responsive to the needs of marginalised groups, and strengthen co-ordintion of health interventions and responses at all levels. Interventions are designed to strengthen co-ordination of faith-based organisations and traditional leadership platforms to implement Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) prevention and strengthen upliftment programmes within vulnerable communities. The programme also seeks to ensure that all community interventions are community-led. This includes the design and development of interventions. By doing this, we follow the principles of "Let communities Lead".
The CSS programme is made up of the Public Relations (PR) coordination, strategic
partnerships, multi-sectional coordination, reporting to PCAS, consultative
forum meetings, PLHIV and KP network engagement as well as community dialogues.